“Môžeš stokrát spadnúť a byť zdolaný,
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pato | 27. 6. 2009 19:31:18

ahoj martin rad by som mal tvoj dresbol by som rad keby si mi ho poslal ja by som ty zan zaplatilk

andy mc | 27. 6. 2009 18:44:37

hard as nails , skrtel the turtle!!

Resurrected | 27. 6. 2009 18:22:41

Hi Martin, is it true that you leap tall buildings in your spare time?

Ken Johnston | 27. 6. 2009 17:17:35

Thank you for a Great Year !!! you have the fire and the talent to be one of the greatest of all time. from a fan in Chicago, USA

Ian | 27. 6. 2009 14:34:00

Hi Martin,
Are you Keeping your number for next season?
South Africa

Andrew Goddard | 27. 6. 2009 12:08:51

Marty, you are my hero, i love the way you play and i try to emulate you when i play too. Keep up the good work, i hope you are resting your weary legs after that long and hard season and i can't wait to see you in action again next year! Hugs Anders

mendieta16 | 27. 6. 2009 12:02:00

hi martin, how are you?
fisrt, congratulations for you great website.
you are a great player so you must have a great site.
i wish you named it the red monster.
i hope you win the premier league with liverpool next season.
Anwer, Saudi Arabia

Alan | 27. 6. 2009 11:50:26

Hi Martin,

You had a rock at the heart of Liverpool defend so far. Also l really looking forward to see you playing at Singapore for Liverpool Asia Tour this July.


Singapore Liverpool Fan

Fi Caruana | 27. 6. 2009 11:36:03

Hi Martin,

What a super website. You are doing us proud. Thanks for doing such a great job for LFC.

tomaš | 27. 6. 2009 09:17:48

chcel by som tvoj dress hmm kde by som ho mohol kupit alebo zohnat hmm ....si porste vyborny martin nech sa ti dari novej sezone

Martin | 26. 6. 2009 13:06:02

Martin chcem ti podakovat za tuto vynikajucu myslienku mat vlastnu stranku lebo pre tvojim fanusikou to znamena vela a chcem ta poprosit aj ked neviem ci mi vides v ustreti aby simi poslal svoj dres budem velmi rad. tvoj staly a very fanusik tiez Martin

JURAJ | 26. 6. 2009 12:06:58

prajem hlavne zdravicko do dalsej sezony vysledky sa dostavia Mato !!!

Liverpool fan

dodi | 26. 6. 2009 10:00:06

Nermohol by si mi poslat foto tvojho tetovania??

CrazyJoker | 25. 6. 2009 18:20:39

Hmm nho ak si to precitas tak si nic moc obranca nechapem co ta kazdy chvali a t d ked uplne ze pass nic skoro nehras a ked hras tak to vecsinou doj*bes abo sa ti postasti a das super obranny zakrok vobec si neni taky ako ta kazdy ospewuje a anketu o Naj futb. roka si ziskal len preto ze hras v liverpule aj ked tam nic nehras takze tod vse a vy nadrzanci vsetci co ho tu ospewujete tak sa spametajte stoho soku... a pozrite si aspon jeden jeho zapas poriadne a z otworenimy ocami... tod vse...

stefo13 | 25. 6. 2009 18:20:38

noo takze ako fakt ti fandim kamo,ae tak moj klub je chelsea,ae po nom hned liverpool..ako si jeden z najlepsich stoperov..ja tiez hravam futbal,ae hravam na prawej zaleho...fakt drz sa..

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